Peugeot e-408

Peugeot E-408

Pre-Order Now | New 2024 Model

The Peugeot E-408 stands out in the electric vehicle segment with its remarkable WLTP range, offering a seamless blend of efficiency and performance. This car competes admirably against rival electric models from manufacturers like Tesla and Nissan. Its versatile nature makes it perfect for daily commuting, long road trips, and everything in between. The E-408's design is a balance of elegance and functionality, aimed at providing a superior driving experience. Its eco-friendliness, combined with a comprehensive range, positions it as a top choice for those looking to transition to electric vehicles.

Save with E-408

Smart Savings, Smart Drive
Choosing the Peugeot E-408 through a salary sacrifice arrangement significantly reduces motoring costs, often by over 50%. This cost-effective option allows payments to be made before income tax and National Insurance contributions, leading to substantial savings. Additionally, VAT relief, reclaimed by employers, and substantial corporate discounts further lower expenses, making it a financially smart choice compared to personal contract purchases or hire agreements.
SDG Wheel

Drive Green

EcoMute: Sustainable Choice
Driving the E-408 under the EcoMute programme reduces corporate Scope 3 GHG emissions and the driver's carbon footprint. This initiative aligns with environmental goals, promoting sustainable mobility. By choosing electric, employees contribute to a greener planet while enjoying a cutting-edge driving experience.

Fuel Savings

Break free from your PCP

Salary sacrifice allows you to pay for your electric car before income tax. The same applies to servicing, tyres and motor insurance, saving you a bundle on your running costs too. What's more, there's

  • no deposit;
  • no credit check; and
  • no personal finance agreement.

It’s a single monthly deduction from your gross pay – before income tax and national insurance contributions. It's typically about half the cost of an equivalent PCP or personal lease. A no-brainer!

Break free from your PCP
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11

Urban Harmony

E-408 and SDG 11
Driving the E-408 supports SDG 11, fostering sustainable cities and communities. Its zero emissions reduce urban air pollution, contributing to healthier, more livable cities.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12

Conscious Choice

E-408 and SDG 12
The E-408, especially when powered by renewable energy sources, embodies SDG 12's principles of responsible consumption and production, minimizing environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13

Eco Warrior

E-408 for Climate
The E-408's electric nature directly contributes to SDG 13, advocating climate action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable, eco-friendly transportation.

Join EcoMute

Start Your Eco Journey
To enroll in our EcoMute salary sacrifice programme and lease the Peugeot E-408, simply visit our website and complete the application. Join the growing community of EcoMuters and enjoy the benefits of driving electric, contributing to a greener future while experiencing the latest in automotive technology.